The study of Archaeology in North America; its relationship to the Native Americans. Lost history, lost civilizations, Learn the answers, see the proof and lets discover together the lost history of Pre Columbus America, and all the great civilizations some larger than Rome in their day. Read the legends, see the evidences and take it from there. Central and South America as well, Anciently their was trade between all the Ancient American Lands with others.
Stephen Sindoni spins the tale of " The Prophet Makes A Second Visit" from the L. Taylor Hansen book "He Walked The Americas." Did Jesus visit North and South American? Many Native American legends say that he did...
Everyday is an adventure I never know what I will create. I try to keep each creation unique and one of a kind. Thanks for shopping.
My name is Emma Joy, I grew up in a small town and love living in one still. I am a mother who loves spending time with my son, and I am expecting a daughter come January.
Everyday is an adventure, I never know what I'll create. Or what my toddler will have planed for the day. I try to keep each creation unique and one of a kind. Being open minded I love a good challenge.
In order to succeed I would love to get feed back both good and bad. So that I can improve My product, my page and the shipping.
My goal for this shop is to be able to do what I love, create and share it with the world. Another goal is to be able to remain home with my children and not have others raise them.
Thanks for shopping.
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Last updated on Sep 13, 2016
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